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Preparing for the future of jobs – in an IT world

There is much fear and even panic about the “jobs of tomorrow”. Will people be required?

With the growth in automation, it is a definite reality that jobs are being replaced by technology, and this will continue to rise. But what does this do about people?

As our leaders have presented at prominent national conferences in Australia (but which applies equally around the globe), as educators, we need to not be teaching static technological skills to those who will be the workers of tomorrow. After all, we don’t know what technology will exist in 20-30 years time. It could be way beyond what we have envisaged so far.

Instead of teaching static tech skills, which will likely be superseded as technology advances, we need to teach core skills that will help our workers of tomorrow to be able to adapt and succeed, in a rapidly changing world.

In all educational packages developed by those who really understand “future-proofing” our education, true leaders instil education with the skills that will really arm workers well into the future. These skills are soft, but they are not the usual “culprits” being rolled out in current soft skills education – far from it.

To educate the workers of the future, we need to buckle down and re-assess what skills are needed now and well into times to come. Equinim has this down – because we live the future now, and bring that to all we do.

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